Business and Innovation Director at Life Length SL (Madrid), a leading company in telomerase and telomere diagnostics.

Enrique Samper Rodríguez holds a degree in Biology from Michigan State University (USA) and a PhD cum lude in Molecular Biology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. He was also a founding member of Dr. María Blasco’s laboratory at the Centro Nacional de Biotecnología.

He was founder, president and CEO of NIMGenetics SL in Madrid, a company specialising in genetic diagnosis using aCGH and NGS genomic tools with more than 150,000 diagnoses performed and more than 80 million in accumulated turnover.

He is currently the business and innovation director of Life Length SL (Madrid), a leading company in telomerase and telomere diagnostics, and is a member of the Board of Directors of SEBIOT (Spanish Society of Biotechnology).