Liz Parrish, the woman who is ‘de-aging’, will address the limits of longevity at Longevity World Forum Alicante

In a world increasingly focused on extending the quality and length of life, Liz Parrish, recognised by many as the ‘the woman who wants to genetically engineer you,’ will be one of the featured figures at the third edition of the Longevity World Forum Alicante, which will be held at the Alicante Medical Conference Centre on 17 and 18 October 2024. This international conference—now consolidated as one of the key events in longevity and healthy aging—will bring together experts, scientists, and technologists from various disciplines to address the most innovative advances in the search for a longer and better life.

Liz Parrish, CEO of biopharmaceutical company BioViva and a pioneer in the field of longevity-focused gene therapy, captured global attention for her decision to undergo experimental cell rejuvenation treatments. Parrish has become a media and scientific figure, notable not only for her bold personal approach to finding solutions to the problems of aging, but also for leading research that seeks to slow age-related decline at the genetic level.

Liz Parrish—considered ‘patient zero’ for this type of treatment—will participate as a panellist in one of the most anticipated sessions, in which she will share her personal experience with gene therapies and their impact on the aging process. Her company, BioViva, has pioneered the use of advanced technologies to develop treatments that can reverse the effects of aging at the cellular level, sparking a global debate about the limits and possibilities of these innovations. “The LWF keynote presentation will be about what BioViva is doing with gene therapy to extend healthy life expectancy”, Parrish added.

Along these lines, the expert in longevity and healthy aging—who is 53 years old and looks only 25—highlighted that: “The limit of longevity today is the need for funding to bring what we already know to clinical trials”.

Parrish made headlines in 2015 when she underwent gene therapy that she said had slowed her aging. Although the clinical results of this treatment are still under scientific evaluation, its boldness has brought to the table a crucial question: Is it possible to reverse biological aging? Parrish not only brings innovative insights but is also a testament to how biotechnology can transform human life.

Parrish’s participation at the conference will be key to unravelling the possibilities of genetic engineering in life extension. Attendees will be able to learn first-hand about the latest advances in gene manipulation to reduce age-related diseases and improve long-term health.

Research led by Liz Parrish has already opened up a range of possibilities in the field of healthy aging. Indeed, Liz’s pioneering approach to biotechnology applied to cellular rejuvenation has begun to set the agenda for longevity science. Her presence at the Longevity World Forum Alicante underlines the importance of gene therapies as a viable way to combat aging.

In addition, her unique perspective as someone who has experienced the possibilities of these technologies first-hand will provide intimate and personal insights that will complement the scientific focus of the conference. With the participation of experts such as Liz Parrish, the Longevity World Forum promises to be an unmissable event for those who want to learn about the most disruptive advances in the fight against aging. The discussions generated at this international forum will help shape the future of health and well-being in a society that seeks to live longer and better.

A conference with a global impact

Longevity World Forum Alicante, an international platform and world leader in longevity and healthy aging, brings together leaders in biotechnology, medicine, scientific research, and technological innovation. This edition will focus on the most recent advances in the field of longevity and health in aging, addressing crucial topics such as regenerative medicine, artificial intelligence applied to the biology of aging, genetics, and the impact of lifestyle habits on longevity.

The conference will bring together researchers, doctors, technologists and entrepreneurs who are all shaping the future of longevity science. The aim is to promote an exchange of knowledge and views on how technological and scientific innovations can improve the quality of life in old age, as well as prolong healthy years of life.

