Alicante becomes world capital of longevity with the inauguration of the Longevity World Forum

The Palacio de Congresos del Colegio de Médicos de Alicante has hosted this morning the official opening of the third edition of Longevity World Forum, a pioneering event that has marked a milestone in the science of longevity and healthy aging.

The opening of the event, chaired by Hermann Schwarz, president of the College of Physicians of Alicante, who acted as host, was attended by Mr. Luis Barcala, mayor of Alicante, Ms. Ana Poquet, Councillor for Tourism and Beaches of the City of Alicante, Mr. Francisco Larrey, director Longevity World Forum Alicante, and a representation of the most significant institutions, entities and companies.

This event marked the beginning of a congress that brings together scientists, experts and technologists of world reference to discuss the latest advances in strategies to prolong life and improve health at advanced ages, consolidating itself as a turning point for research in this emerging field.

Luis Barcala, Mayor of Alicante, said: “In this third edition we have managed to bring the Longevity World Forum to our city. An event that comes at the right time, so the city council has been involved and will continue to be involved in this open debate internationally on an issue that matters a lot to us. One of the priority axes of the policy of this mandate are the elderly, in fact, for the first time we have created a Department of the Elderly that exists specifically to analyze what their needs are”.

We want Alicante to be the world epicenter of research in Longevity, not only in scientific innovation but also in terms of the adequacy that must have our environment to prepare for this new situation that we will have with certainty of increased life expectancy of the population from all points of view, allowing a quality aging, “said the president of the College of Physicians of Alicante, Hermann Schwarz.

Francisco Larrey, director of Longevity World Forum, has emphasized that: “From the organization we are very pleased that Alicante has made this strategic commitment. The first two editions were held in Valencia, the next three will be in Alicante thanks to the support and commitment of the territory to attract knowledge, technology and companies. It is estimated that in 2025 20% of the world’s GDP will be the longevity industry. This shows that we are facing an upward trend in a strategic sector that begins at the level of companies, technology, scientists and doctors, but that will end up being transferred to citizens”.

Longevity science, technology and trends

The Longevity World Forum Alicante is divided into two days. The first day is dedicated to the science of longevity, while the second focuses on technology and trends. Both days feature talks, debates and conferences, which will focus on science and research, technological development and the latest trends in the sector, making it a meeting point for experts and enthusiasts in these fields.

The event will feature world-renowned speakers who will share their knowledge and advances in the field of longevity. Topics to be discussed include the latest scientific discoveries, innovations in the healthcare sector, and developments in E-Health, offering a comprehensive and up-to-date view on life extension and wellness in advanced age.

In addition to the lectures and round tables, Longevity World Forum Alicante incorporates parallel initiatives dedicated to dissemination, with the aim of bringing knowledge about longevity to a wider audience. These complementary initiatives aim to promote interest and understanding of healthy aging and the opportunities offered by this field.

The congress is aimed at all people with scientific, business, social and economic interests related to longevity. This includes healthcare professionals and researchers, companies in the sector, E-Health startups, students and anyone curious about this topic. The global accessibility of the event will allow the participation of interested parties from anywhere in the world, breaking geographical barriers and promoting a global community of knowledge and collaboration.

The Longevity World Forum Alicante thus consolidates its position as a benchmark in the field of longevity, offering a unique platform for the exchange of ideas and the creation of synergies between different actors in the sector. It becomes, therefore, a unique opportunity to be part of this event that promises to revolutionize knowledge and practices in the field of longevity.

