Carlos F. Sánchez-Ferrer

He leads a UAM and IdiPAZ research group named with the acronym FARMAVASM, dedicated to the study of the mechanisms that produce deterioration of the vascular function in pathological conditions.

Marc Ramis

He is a co-founder and CEO at Senolytic Therapeutics Inc., a pharmaceutical company that develops a novel class of medicines by targeting senescence cells. He is also supporting investments and strategic partnerships at Life Biosciences Inc. in Europe.

Manuel Serrano

Manuel Serrano obtained his PhD in 1991, from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. From 1991 to 1996, Serrano worked in the team of David Beach in Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, NY. During this period, Serrano made his most important discovery with the identification and characterization of the gene p16.

Manuel Collado

Manuel Collado holds a PhD in Biology from the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Having previously worked in London, New York and at the Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO) in Madrid, he is currently at the Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS).

Pedro Almaida

Researcher in the Chronobiology Group of the University of Murcia on a project to understand the mechanisms associated with the ageing of the circadian system of vertebrate models.

Bruno Vellas

Chair of the Gerontopole & Department of Geriatric Internal Medicine at the Toulouse University Hospital and member of INSERM UMR 1027, as well as chair of the WHO Collaborating Center for Frailty, Clinical Research and Geriatric Training.

Manuel Collado: “Our goal must be to reach an advanced age in a better state of health and to remain free of disease as long as possible”

Dr. Manuel Collado will be one of the speakers in the first session of #Longevity19, which will focus on will be one of the speakers in the first session of #Longevity19, which will focus on exploring longevity by presenting different research, from basic to applied, that is currently being carried out in this field. In this brief interview, he offers an insight to his perspective and to his work.