Alvaro Pascual-Leone

Professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School, and director of the Berenson-Allen Center for Brain Stimulation and of the Cognitive Neurology Division of the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center in Boston, MA, USA.

José Ignacio Cuende

Doctor of Medicine. Specialist in Internal Medicine. Cardiovascular Risk Consultation. Internal Medicine Service. Palencia University Welfare Complex

Valencia is consolidated as the world scientific capital of healthy aging

For the second year running, the city hosts the Longevity World Forum, one of the most important congresses in the world on longevity, on 13, 14 and 15 November. Eminent scientists such as Maria Blasco and Rafael de Cabo will be present at the event, which is backed by leading companies in the sector such as Google’s Calico.

Silvia Forcano

Vice-president of the Valencian Society of Geriatrics and Gerontology. She currently works in a Hospital at Home Unit.

Mirka Uhlirova

Leader of the Uhlirova Lab, that studies stress resilience and ageing in Drosophila intestine.

Ángel Barco

His team investigates the role of activity-driven gene expression and chromatin modifications in neuronal plasticity, learning and memory.