José María Labeaga

He is Professor of the Foundations of Economic Analysis at the UNED, where he was Director of the International PhD School and where he currently coordinates the Doctoral Programme in Economics and Business.

Pedro Almaida

Researcher in the Chronobiology Group of the University of Murcia on a project to understand the mechanisms associated with the ageing of the circadian system of vertebrate models.

José Viña

Born in 1953, José Viña is Professor of Physiology at the University of Valencia. He obtained his PhD at Valencia University in 1976 and has honoris causa doctorates from the University of Rennes (France) and the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina).

Bruno Vellas

Chair of the Gerontopole & Department of Geriatric Internal Medicine at the Toulouse University Hospital and member of INSERM UMR 1027, as well as chair of the WHO Collaborating Center for Frailty, Clinical Research and Geriatric Training.