Carlos Félix Sánchez Ferrer studied Medicine at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM), where he graduated in 1981 and received his PhD in 1984. Having been awarded scholarships from the Spanish Health Research Fund (FIS) and the Mayo Foundation, he held a postdoctoral position during 1987 at the Mayo Clinic and Mayo Medical School (Dept. of Physiology), followed by another at the Medical College of Wisconsin (Dept of Physiology) thanks to an International Research Fellowship of the Fogarty International Center (National Institutes of Health, USA). He was a Lecturer in Pharmacology between 1987 and 2005 and has been Professor of this subject since 2005, always in the Department of Pharmacology and Therapeutics of the UAM. He has been the Director of this Department since 2013. He was Vice Dean of Research of the Faculty of Medicine of the UAM between 2000 and 2007 and has been Correspondent Academic of the National Royal Academy of Medicine of Spain since 2002. Together with Prof. Peiró, he leads a UAM and IdiPAZ research group named with the acronym FARMAVASM, dedicated to the study of the mechanisms that produce deterioration of the vascular function in pathological conditions, such as diabetes mellitus and obesity, as well as the analysis of the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms of vascular aging. As pharmacologists, a fundamental aim of the group is to characterise new therapeutic targets that make it possible to prevent or delay vascular aging, using for this purpose different experimental approaches, from human vascular cell cultures to animal models and patient studies. He collaborates with various prestigious national and foreign researchers and has authored more than one hundred scientific publications in international journals, the majority in the first quartile. He has co-directed 18 doctoral theses and has been the lead researcher on 25 competitive projects at regional, national and international level.