He graduated as a Doctor in Medicine (Cellular Biology programme) from the University of Navarra in 1991, being awarded the Extraordinary PhD Prize. Specialist in Internal Medicine. Master’s Degree in Health Management and Research. Lecturer on Research Methodology and Statistics at the University of Valladolid. Doctor at the San Telmo Hospital in Palencia since 1992 and at the Palencia University Welfare Complex since 2004, being responsible for the Cardiovascular Risk Consultation Service of the Internal Medicine Department. National and international publications (European Heart Journal, Hepatology, Journal of Medical Virology, American Journal of Transplantation, European Journal of Internal Medicine…) on, among other topics, techniques of molecular biology and cardiovascular risk factors, especially on the concept of vascular age and the speed of vascular aging. External reviewer on journals such as the Revista Clínica Española, Revista Española de Cardiología, Medicina Clínica, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health and British Medical Journal. Member of the Working Group on Vascular Risk of the Spanish Society of Internal Medicine and other scientific societies such as the SEH-LELHA and the SEA (Spanish Atherosclerosis Society). 11 entries filed in the Spanish Legal Deposit / Intellectual Property Register.