Longevity World Forum will celebrate its third edition on November 19 and 20 in Valencia

  • The worldwide reference event on longevity and healthy aging will take place the third week of November

The organization committee of the Longevity World Forum has confirmed the dates of November 19 and 20 for the celebration of the third edition of the worldwide congress on healthy aging and longevity. In addition, the event will take place in the city of Valencia, repeating location after the success of its first two celebrations.


The city of Valencia will serve for the third consecutive year as a meeting point for the world scientific community at the Longevity World Forum, as well as for industry agents from different countries, whose work is related to the increase in life expectancy and healthy aging On the other hand, there will also be a space for society where the latest advances and discoveries regarding healthy aging will be explained. Thus, human longevity will be approached again from different perspectives, generating multidisciplinary knowledge and showing the latest scientific and technological advances in this area.


The organization of the Longevity World Forum, chooses the month of November agaom for the celebration of the meeting and aims to overcome the good result of its first two editions, when it had more than 400 people attending and a program that included more than 20 first level speakers.


Thus, the Longevity World Forum will continue betting on national and international referents in healthy aging and longevity. In this sense, in previous editions there were experts such as María Blasco, Director of the National Oncological Research Center; Pura Muñoz, doctor of biology and Jaime I Medical Research Award; Aubrey de Gray, manager and founder of the SENS Research Foundation; Alvaro Pascual-Leone, professor of neurology at Harvard Medical School; Manuel Serrano, ICREA doctor and professor; or Rafael de Cabo, head of the Division of Translational Gerontology of the National Institute of Aging in Baltimore.


Therefore, the Longevity World Forum is considered the reference forum by the international scientific community and in turn consolidates Valencia as one of the scientific capitals of the world. Those interested in attending can manage their registration through the official website: www.longevityworldforum.com.
