SENS Research Foundation, co-founded by Aubrey de Grey, renews its commitment to the Longevity World Forum

This institution, a global reference for its research into aging, has signed a sponsorship agreement with the congress for the second consecutive year. One of its most renowned representatives, Maria Entraigues Abramson, will participate at the conference which will be held in Valencia on 14 and 15 November.
This institution, a global reference for its research into aging, has signed a sponsorship agreement with the congress for the second consecutive year. One of its most renowned representatives, Maria Entraigues Abramson, will participate at the conference which will be held in Valencia on 14 and 15 November.

The Longevity World Forum has strengthened its international standing by entering into a new sponsorship agreement with the SENS Research Foundation, an organisation co-founded by Aubrey de Grey, who is one of the most well-known voices in the world within the scientific sphere thanks to his work on longevity. In fact, he was one of the main speakers at the first edition of this pioneering conference in Europe, held in 2018.


On this occasion, the SENS Research Foundation will also support the Longevity World Forum through the participation of one of its most highly recognised representatives: Maria Entraigues Abramson, who has formed part of the institution since its creation in 2009 and is an expert communicator on science and technology. Specifically, Entraigues Abramson will focus her presentation not only on explaining the work of Aubrey de Grey and SRF, but also on analysing the changes necessary to confront aging as a matter of scientific and social importance.


Thus, the attendees at the second edition of the Longevity World Forum will have the opportunity to discover the latest research to develop therapies by the SENS Research Foundation to combat age related diseases. “We are developing a new type of regenerative medicine that eliminates, repairs, replaces and makes inoffensive the cellular and molecular damage that accumulates in our tissues over time. By repairing them, this rejuvenation biotechnology restores the normal functioning of the body’s cells and essential biomolecules, returning aging tissues to health and bringing back the body’s youthful vigour,” affirms Entraigues Abramson.


The Longevity World Forum will be held at the Palacio de Congresos (Conference Centre) of Valencia on 14 and 15 November, making Spain the international forum on human longevity and bringing together professionals from around the world to share their knowledge on this subject from the many sectors involved. This will be the case of Rafael de Cabo, chief of the Translational Gerontology Division of the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore (United States); Reason, cofounder of Repair Biotechnologies, Inc. (United States); Manuel Serrano, doctor and professor who is currently working on the ICREA programme of the Institute for Research in Biomedicine of Barcelona (IRB Barcelona); Bruno Vellas, doctor of the Aging Unit and chairman of the Gerontopole at the University Hospital of Toulouse (France); and Álvaro Pascual-Leone, professor of Neurology at Harvard Medical School (United States), among others.