The latest breakthroughs for a longer and better life expectancy are presented in Valencia on the occasion of the Longevity World Forum

The central events of the pioneering congress in Europe on human longevity have been held at the Conference Centre on 14 and 15 November. The meeting has brought together eminent international professionals, such as Rafael de Cabo, Pura Muñoz and Manuel Collado.
Longevity World Forum completes its programme for 2019 with a symposium at the Príncipe Felipe Research Centre

The doctors María Blasco and Pura Muñoz will be two of the speakers of this conference dedicated to aging and metabolism. The event will take place on Wednesday 13 November at the facilities of the Príncipe Felipe Research Centre.
Manuel Collado: “Our goal must be to reach an advanced age in a better state of health and to remain free of disease as long as possible”

Dr. Manuel Collado will be one of the speakers in the first session of #Longevity19, which will focus on will be one of the speakers in the first session of #Longevity19, which will focus on exploring longevity by presenting different research, from basic to applied, that is currently being carried out in this field. In this brief interview, he offers an insight to his perspective and to his work.