Research for a longer and better life expectancy focuses on Valencia
The first Longevity World Forum starts in the Valencia Conference Centre, where leading figures in the international scientific community will come together for two days to share knowledge about longevity from the perspective of disciplines such as precision medicine and genomic medicine.
Life expectancy and healthy ageing, under debate in Spain at the Longevity World Forum
The second edition of this congress, which is breaking new ground in Europe, will take place on 14 and 15 November in the Palacio de Congresos Conference Centre in Valencia and will bring together some of the world’s most renowned professionals, such as Rafael de Cabo, Manuel Serrano and Álvaro Pascual-Leone.
Longevity World Forum is the new international meeting in Valencia that will promote knowledge on human longevity
#Longevity18 will gather world leaders from the scientific community who specialize in longevity, such as Aubrey de Grey and María Blasco Marhuenda. The programme will cover two days and address topics such as the link of genomics and nutrition with life expectancy.
Longevity World Forum focuses its second edition on scientific innovation and healthy aging
The Longevity World Forum choses Valencia once more and will be held on 13 and 14 November at the city’s Palacio de Congresos. This year’s meeting will again bring together internationally renowned professionals, such as Rafael de Cabo, Manuel Serrano and Álvaro Pascual-Leone.
Aubrey de Grey anuncia que la medicación para revertir el envejecimiento será una realidad en solo cinco años
El gerontólogo biomédico también vaticina que los tratamientos de longevidad serán accesibles para toda la sociedad. De Grey visitará España en noviembre para participar en la primera edición del Longevity World Forum en Valencia.