The Longevity World Forum will celebrate its fourth edition in the Ilustre Colegio Oficial de Médicos de Alicante with a concept that combines virtual-presential development with world-class speakers, offering all the positive aspects of attending a congress of these characteristics, but being able to do so from anywhere in the world. It will also incorporate parallel initiatives aimed for dissemination.
The pioneer congress on longevity in Europe will try to approach all people with scientific, business, social and economic interests, whether they are health professionals and researchers, companies in the sector, E-Health start-ups, students, or anyone with concerns about the subject anywhere in the world.
The fourth edition of the LWF, in addition to the physical presence at the congress, incorporates a technological platform that allows connecting people from all over the world so that they can be part of this experience. This development consists of two distinct parts: virtual and face-to-face attendance.
It allows to attend all the programmed activities and share networking spaces with agents of the sector and scientific-medical professionals, among other referents in the field of medical longevity.
Platform that allows the interconnection between people and live broadcasting with a live streaming that will show in real time what happens in the congress.
It makes it possible to follow the presentation of the event with presentations, round tables, interviews or statements of speakers and people of interest.
The professionals who participated in this 2024 edition are leaders in the different fields that make up human longevity.
Thus, the Longevity World Forum 2024 focused on 3 pillars:
It will bring together biotechnology executives, institutions, academics, and researchers to better understand the scientific and biological basis of aging, aiding the development of new strategies and therapeutic targets.
It will bring together the IT, biotech, and pharmaceutical industry, through Startups, investors, and industry executives to transfer research results to the enterprise, explore opportunities, market strategies, and create the new disruptive business models within aging.
It will bring together the IT, biotech, and pharmaceutical industry, through Startups, investors, and industry executives to transfer research results to the enterprise, explore opportunities, market strategies, and create the new disruptive business models within aging.